It's already mid-February and we're beginning to encounter some difficulties.
1. It turns out that our study isn't statistically significant after all. 17 long pages of analysis... Don't worry though, we'll still be serving tea during the exhibit.
2. UW really cherishes their projectors. Maybe too much. MAD lab will give us only one, ITMS won't even part with one because they're scared it will be hard on the light bulb. Looking into overheads now.
3. The plane of plexi-glass we bought is the wrong shape for our beautiful table frame. We'll fix it though.
4. We are starting to experience withdrawal symptoms. We are so busy that we have not really had a true imagineer meeting in a very long time. This makes us very, very sad. Us NEEDS girl bonding time!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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