Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Day in the Workshop

11:00 AM
Julie and Christina meet at the Lens Mills store to check out their foam selections. The 4" thick foam Julie wanted for comfy stools were out of stock. The nice foam Christina wanted for the mushroom stalk didn't cover enough surface area.
Figuring stuff out.
Getting lost in aisles.
Figuring more stuff out.
Converting yards to meters to inches and back again.
Resisting the temptation of rolling in all this stuffing.
Finally, we end up buying a whole lodda white stuff that we think is meant for insulating helmets, some fabric, and a giant stuffed pillow.
Lots of fluff
12:00 PM
We go and pick up Kathy, run after some cats, fill up the car with lumber.
12:15 PM
Timmy's stop. It's that time of year again! Rrrrrrrrroll up the rim! 
12:30 PM
Unload everything at the workshop. Christina is reunited with her giant mushroom stalk.
So proud!
12:45 PM
We have successfully taken over and cluttered three work benches, found a cardboard box as a model for our house, and realized that no one won at Roll up the Rim :(
Useful junk
2:00 PM
We have some kind of mushroom outline drawn onto our foamy fabric to stick onto the sonotube and chicken wire. Kathy is hammering away at the house (which is no longer a cardboard box).
2:30 PM
We figure out how to make the stuff temporarily hold onto the mushroom stalk. We can begin trimming away.
3:15 PM
We call it a day!

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