Sunday, March 13, 2011

Final Day of Install

Adding the final touches and a few last minute fixes.

Testing out the new camera ledge so that you can take a picture of yourself with the giant mushroom!

Ryan does not give much input for pretty shiny things but tries to help anyway

To Do list completed!


We had an adorable cat test out our miniature house.

Disclaimer: Kitten not included in the museum experience. 

Install (continued)

Many more hours spent in the gallery lead to great pictures!
Inside the rabbit hole

Time distortion!
Sorting through mounds of neat trinkets
Stuffing 300 envelopes with confetti

Tired - taking a little break

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

7 Signs That We Are An All Girls Group

As if you haven't already figured that out yet...

1. Roses make us happy

2. We imagine a wedding dress when cutting out the stalk's covering
There's an outline of a mushroom on the white stuff, or a wedding dress pattern depending how you look at it.

3. We take the time to pre-cut our wood so that the camera gets our undivided attention

4. We design beautiful doll houses
You would never guess how many hours were put into this house.

5. We like arts and crafts
Glue, paint, and fake moss makes Kyrie smile (when they're cooperating)
6. Dream nails

7. The imagineers are also known as:

Install Day

Today was stressful, to say the least.
Fortunately, we found out that our group dynamic is still great under pressure. Jordan was actually at the UWAG from noon to eleven today! Thank you so much!

We started by taping the outline of our objects and the doors (from which the walls are made) onto Ivan's sexy floor and then began to assemble everything.
Watching others do the work is how we work ;)
We finally got the walls up and we're planning on bringing in our objects tomorrow. We'll keep you posted on how easily we'll get an 8' tall mushroom to fit into a mini-van without any damage.
Everything is standing on its own! Success!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Awesome Video

Check out the first in the series of videos documenting our experience building these exhibits. Yay for reality shows!

Murals and stuff

Time remaining until install: 15 hours

To do list:

  • Finish giant mushroom
  • Build 7 mushrooms
  • Make table collage
  • Paint table
  • Make clouds
  • Mount didactics
  • Redecorate 2 chairs
...and I'm sure there's more. Ahhhhh!

At least our wonderful murals are done thanks to the late hours Kathy and Jordan spent in the paint room.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Working in and around the planning studio

There was a whole lot of running around today. We went back in forth between Michael's, E5, ENV, and Wal-Mart. 

Julie pretty much had her head in the clouds because she pointlessly went all the way from ENV to E5 and back because she forgot a certain key to the painting room... 

Christina had some fun with power tools.

That's right, you better watch out!
We're really spending a lot of time on these mushrooms. Only 2 days to go until install, yikes!
Seems like we're living in here

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Papier Mâché

We think you need pictures to visualize the scale of these paper mâché structures.

Our apologies to the planning studio for taking up so much room.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tick Tock

Countdown until the Opening: 9 days

Can you guess how this picture is related to dreams and Alice in Wonderland?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Visit the official website!

For more information about the 6 exhibits that will be running alongside of ours, click on the link.

The days and hours we'll be open is also in the gallery information.

Share the website with all your friends. We cover such a large range of topics that we promise a fun and interesting experience for everyone. Mark your calendars!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mushroom Transformation

There are no after pictures, you need to go see it in person!
Come visit our exhibit March 14 - 16 in the UW Art Gallery, East Campus Hall, to see the final product.

Thank you Dan for posing for that awesome picture!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Day in the Workshop

11:00 AM
Julie and Christina meet at the Lens Mills store to check out their foam selections. The 4" thick foam Julie wanted for comfy stools were out of stock. The nice foam Christina wanted for the mushroom stalk didn't cover enough surface area.
Figuring stuff out.
Getting lost in aisles.
Figuring more stuff out.
Converting yards to meters to inches and back again.
Resisting the temptation of rolling in all this stuffing.
Finally, we end up buying a whole lodda white stuff that we think is meant for insulating helmets, some fabric, and a giant stuffed pillow.
Lots of fluff
12:00 PM
We go and pick up Kathy, run after some cats, fill up the car with lumber.
12:15 PM
Timmy's stop. It's that time of year again! Rrrrrrrrroll up the rim! 
12:30 PM
Unload everything at the workshop. Christina is reunited with her giant mushroom stalk.
So proud!
12:45 PM
We have successfully taken over and cluttered three work benches, found a cardboard box as a model for our house, and realized that no one won at Roll up the Rim :(
Useful junk
2:00 PM
We have some kind of mushroom outline drawn onto our foamy fabric to stick onto the sonotube and chicken wire. Kathy is hammering away at the house (which is no longer a cardboard box).
2:30 PM
We figure out how to make the stuff temporarily hold onto the mushroom stalk. We can begin trimming away.
3:15 PM
We call it a day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Progress Update

It's already mid-February and we're beginning to encounter some difficulties.

1. It turns out that our study isn't statistically significant after all. 17 long pages of analysis... Don't worry though, we'll still be serving tea during the exhibit.
2. UW really cherishes their projectors. Maybe too much. MAD lab will give us only one, ITMS won't even part with one because they're scared it will be hard on the light bulb. Looking into overheads now.
3. The plane of plexi-glass we bought is the wrong shape for our beautiful table frame. We'll fix it though.

4. We are starting to experience withdrawal symptoms. We are so busy that we have not really had a true imagineer meeting in a very long time. This makes us very, very sad. Us NEEDS girl bonding time!!!     

Thursday, February 3, 2011

So little time, so much to do!

We had to create a Gantt chart so that we appear nice and organized.

Yup! This beauty sure makes us look like we know what we're doing!